Tools to Transform
Tools to Transform is a workbook grounded in a sharing of insight, knowledge and practice already in existence within Asian diasporic organising across Europe. It is a workbook of celebration, amplification, documentation and connection. In a time of overwhelming work to be done across multiple urgencies and frontlines, we take heart and pay attention to what is being done, how we can better connect across struggles, and where we can learn and grow with one another. In this first edition, through a call-out to artists, educators, community leaders, activists and curators, we have collated a selection of strategies and practices that are being used to organise by Asian diaspora across Europe.
Tools to Transform was seeded in a conversation between Joon Lynn Goh and Annie Jael Kwan before Asia-Art-Activism was launched, regarding the concerns around the absence of easily accessible Southeast and East Asian narratives for art and activism in the UK. Understanding lineage is a question of history, as well as the future; because if we cannot know past protagonists or relationships of solidarity, we will constantly reinvent the wheel. The erasure of diverse histories normalises the status quo, and minimises the possible futures imagined by our ancestors, ourselves, and those yet to come.
This workbook is a reflection of the richness of Asian diasporic organising that is happening on the ground now. We hope it is of service to you.
May 2021
*These beautiful words are part of the introduction of Tools to Transform. Read the whole introduction here.